Evergreen Small Business SEO Strategies You Can Always Count On There are literally 1000s of articles on the internet freely available right now to anyone, that could teach you everything you ever needed to know about search engine ... [Read more]

What are the benefits of blogging for business and should I do it? The foundation of any small business’s online marketing strategy is getting more enquiries and sales through making sure that when people look for your product or service online, ... [Read more]

What is SEO Copywriting? SEO copywiting is very different from copywriting. Copywriting is designed to get the reader to take a specific action. Sometimes that’s making a purchase, calling for more information, confirming an email opt-in, or ... [Read more]

Powerful Copywriting Tips To Transform Your Sales Copy Copywriting can be one of the most effective ways of generating leads and sales for your business. It can also be one of the most difficult marketing methods to master. When it comes to ... [Read more]

As the name suggests, guest blogging is when someone provides an article to another blog, as a third-party contributor. Guest blogs are usually written for free, unless that author is specifically invited by the blog owner due to their expertise ... [Read more]

Companies like Outbrain have done a huge amount of research into what headlines can increase CTR (click through rates) the most. This means that marketers, as well as small business owners, now have an invaluable insight into how people behave ... [Read more]

It’s pretty hard to imagine a more insulting put down for a journalist than being called a “hack”. Hacks fill the pages of any newspaper with salacious, trashy stories written in an unimaginative, derivative way. However, as unappealing as that ... [Read more]

A recent study on internet trends published by KPCB estimated that 8 zettabytes of content will be created and shared every day on the internet. To put that in perspective, 1 zettabyte = 8 trillion gigabytes. To put that another way, if you put that ... [Read more]