There are many things to consider when it comes to putting together a marketing strategy for a startup. Think about it: like the rest of your business, you need to piece everything together from scratch. The process can be overwhelming and ... [Read more]

Everyone seems to have varying definitions of growth hacking. Wikipedia defines it as “a process of rapid experimentation across marketing channels, product development, sales segments, and other areas of the business to identify the most ... [Read more]

The internet has forever changed the marketing landscape. Consumers have been given more choices and greater control. This results in marketers constantly refining their digital marketing plan. Search engines are often people’s first step to ... [Read more]

A marketing plan is the “how” of achieving your marketing strategy. Without a well-thought-out plan you can’t achieve the goals you developed as part of your marketing strategy. And by the way, if you don’t have a marketing strategy yet, we ... [Read more]

The marketing mix is an essential tool in building and implementing an effective marketing strategy. It should be used to show prospects why your product or service is different and better than your competitors. In this article you’ll learn what a ... [Read more]

You can only start to market your business and products effectively when you have a marketing strategy in place to do so. This might seem a daunting task. However, when you have a marketing strategy template to guide your progress, your small ... [Read more]