There are a lot of people who start a small business without comprehending that some of the background work is similar to that of a large business, particularly reporting. While small businesses usually lack shareholders and a board of directors, ... [Read more]

Best Salesforce Apps For Your Business If your business uses Salesforce, you can use dedicated apps to dramatically enhance what you can do with it. These apps install directly into Salesforce, and help you run your business more ... [Read more]

It would have been easy to just write a thinly veiled sales article talking about our services and how we totally embody the attributes of a perfect marketing consultant. Instead, we decided to write an impartial guide that would really be of benefit ... [Read more]

An Interview with Andy McKenna, Owner of Best Reception In our previous blog about call answering services, we interviewed Andy McKenna, who gave us 17 key things that small business owners should look for when trying to choose a telephone ... [Read more]

In business, first impressions count. A telephone answering service makes it easy for customers to contact your business, and this can mean the difference between capturing new clients and losing them to one of your competitors. Crucially, it also ... [Read more]

Thousands of years ago, the Chinese developed a style of management that survives to this day, and is helping China become a global power during a time of economic crisis. So just what is the Chinese management style? And how does ancient Chinese ... [Read more]