Source: Pixabay
Social media advertising is a very important part of marketing for modern day businesses. If you are not harnessing the power of social media through sending targeted ads, you should start. Millions and millions of people from all walks of life use social media and advertising through that medium has proven incredibly fruitful for many individuals and companies.
As a result, a variety of tools have come about in the last few years that make it easier and more efficient than ever when it comes to advertising through social media. Each tool comes with their own benefits, features, pros and cons. In an effort to help you decide which ones would work the best for your company and goals, we have decided to describe and look at some of the best of the bunch.
So without any further ado, let’s take a closer look at some of the best interactive social media advertising tools.
Facebook Ads Manager
Source: Pixabay
We’ll start out by looking at a classic, Facebook Ads Manager. When it comes to advertising on social media, Facebook is one of the preferred options for thousands of companies and individuals. While Facebook Ads Manager is quite simple, it is very useful and even comes with an app, so you can work on and/or monitor your ads on the go.
There are many inherent features within this app such as tracking the performance of your ad, creating ads, revising your budget and more. This tools was also designed with SMBs in mind, so it has value for everyone that uses it, not only large companies or companies with a lot of money behind them. The app is quick to get a hold of and if you want to advertise on Facebook, this is a good place to start.
While this tool is not as featured-packed as many will be within this article, it is still quite valuable to have and use. See, when putting a link into a social media post, it can often look long, bulky and stick out too much, which can take away from the content. However, solves this issue by shortening and condensing your links to a much more digestible size.
It helps in a huge way with visual appeal, and ensures you don’t go over any character limit that is set out for you. While most people use this tool for link shortening, it can also be helpful for click tracking to see what type of content or posts are performing the best and which aren’t pulling their weight.
This tool is great for those who would rather handle their advertising on their own, without simply paying someone to do it for them. Qwaya is a tool that lets you pay a flat fee instead of paying based on your ad spend, which means this is great for those who run a lot of ads.
This tool features a ton of different benefits and uses, with some of the best including helping with targeting, scheduling your ads, testing your ads and it’s clear and helpful UI. All of these features help you to ensure that your ads are as polished and optimized as possible before being run.
Source: Pixabay
Tweepi is a good way to grow your Twitter following or promote/advertise your brand on the platform. They make it very easy to grow your following by having features such as finding users who would be interested in following you, engage with followers and interested users, help you find influencers and more.
Tweepi allows you to grow and promote your brand for much less than other options out there and helps you by finding relevant users in an organic manner. While it likely won’t be the only tool that you use for advertising on Twitter, it is a massive help for growing your audience without buying fake followers or anything like that.
The main goal of this software is to allow people to promote content of all kinds to a variety of different influencers incredibly easily and cheaply. The content you submit should be solid and should contain at least a few hashtags to help with engagement. Also, including the names of key people and companies can also help with the reach.
However, Quuu can be used by both promoters and advertisers. If you purchase promotions, they will send hand-picked content to influencers, and if they like it, they will share it. It is an affordable to advertise through influencers and is good for businesses of all kinds and sizes.
While this one if less interactive, per se, than others on this list, it is still incredibly valuable and worth using. SoGro essentially takes all the guesswork out of helping increase your social media follow or up your engagement. It can be a solid tool to increase your following, and as a result, also increase the viability and results of your promotions and advertising.
The way it works is also quite interesting as well. You start out by signing up and choosing what type of profile you want to grow. The tool itself will then choose the target market that it believe is the best for you. From here, you will add content as usual and then SoGro will comment, follow and like based on an organic growth algorithm, with the goal of getting the highest engagement. It is a great way to grow and promote your social media, without having to do a ton of the work yourself, which can be beneficial in our often-busy lives.
In conclusion, hopefully this article has helped you learn about some of the many interactive social media advertising tools at your disposal during your campaigns. These will be able to help with a wide array of different things regarding social media and advertising, and if you have the budget for them, you should definitely consider them to take your social media advertising to the next level.
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